
Showing posts from May, 2018

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Music, The Big Time, Sickness and Shock

It is with regret ... that I must out myself for even making this post ... the sickness is all mine, but the news couldn't be better. This is Martin, and yes, this is a very personal and, again, risky post. But I have nothing to hide, I love who I am, and I'm into radical honesty. Later, I'll talk about this insanely great, yet insanely difficult idea. Now, allow me to explain this cryptic mess .... The first sickness, of MINE, is that I am making this post mainly in order to boost my temporarily flagging self-esteem, and show you that "I could have been something". Ugh. Oh, well. Okay, I started playing guitar 42 years ago when I was 16. Before long I was hanging with a good friend from high school, who also played. It happens we were both, let's say, "soft", "innocent", and "loving". We got along fine, always loved each other and our growing cast of musical friends. This became "the first band"; the one that was pr

Musings - (1) THINK.

( Note:  Be aware that the following was completely ad hoc, and as I write this sentence [in chunks], I am also editing this post in three other places, and creating two other new posts. I have an interesting brain. ) I'm going to take a big risk here. I am absolutely determined to reveal the truth about myself. When I put the truth on display to strangers, they are typically interested and engaged, and eventually, left behind. When do I the exact same with anyone that knows me, they almost always assume that I am merely having a mental health moment. I have indeed been diagnosed a couple of times in the past (different things), yet I always feel that I'm the sanest person in the room. The previous sentence isn't strictly true - I have met saner people. But those that know me are not saner people, that I know of. This bit may be more "radical honesty" than love. The truth is probably in my own words. Look - who am I to being "doing" anything to mysel

Tech Talk - (1) A Complaint ... (aka "Think.")

Another ad hoc post. Okay, I don't trust Google . At all. And I also believe them when they say that nothing malevolent is going on. Huh? Yup. Here's why ... To put it succinctly: Just the mere fact that Google is happily enabling us, digitally, to burst into pastures new (technologies unknown), is absolutely reckless. Google have either not thought this through, or something else. Think.  "Think" is a necessary imperative, these days. The irony being, that in the end, there's no reason to think. At all. Sorry, but the closer to reality you get, the more surreal it is. That's how this all works. Please don't ask me what "this" is. I do not presume to know, yet. See? Even I don't know if I'll actually arrive anywhere. However, if the nature of "this" is indeed timeless and infinite, then we'd best get comfortable, nay? Or, as paraphrased by Elvis Costello: "Whats so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?&qu


Well, "DAMN" . That's the latest record from Kendrick Lamar . I've mentioned him before. It's worth mentioning him again (and again and again). Listen, even if you don't like rap; even if you think it's money-seeking angry black men (what rock have been hiding under?); you OUGHT to give this a listen. In fact listen many times - you'll need to, in order to get it all. His messages are DENSE, to say the least. Is this just my opinion? NO. The Pulitzer Prize was given to Kendrick this year, and no wonder why. THIS MAN IS A TRUE GENIUS. So are many rappers - check out Jay-Z's TRIPLE ENTENDRE . Jay-Z ended that passage with "Don't Ask Me How" - indeed! Look, I have tried, hard, to come up with a triple entendre (and I'm very smart), but no luck yet. Oh, and Jay-Z's is particularly clever, since it includes street-talk. 😒 ______________________   An Aside ... A well-known, very clever triple entendre: A ranch is named b

What IS Art, Exactly?

BEFORE You Read This ... You might like to play the game I played ... Think of your own best definition of "art" - not easy, I know.  Then, compare the various definitions I've gathered below, and see what works.  Chances are, it'll be your own definition you like best.  The good news is, there really couldn't be a wrong definition - art is what you feel it is, nay? If you want to see what Stanford University thinks - check this (it's long!). First, my own quick definition: Art by Martin Art is anything created with the intent of conveying a message or a feeling, and eliciting a response in the beholder.  It is a universal language that nobody quite knows how to speak - because, it nearly always involves the subconscious.  We tend not to value art greatly, yet somehow we cannot be without it.  If someone asks you "What does this piece of art mean to you", a valid response might be "Its personal".  Because surely no two people&

Arts & Music News (a series? who knows...)

Bits & pieces I found interesting today ... Margot Kidder (Lois Lane) died yesterday.   😞 Marvel is making a Muslim superhero movie.   👍 ( I vote for an LGBTQ2 superhero next ) Rita Ora 'sorry' for song accused of exploiting bisexuality.   ¿? A Lifetime of Carla Bley.   ♬ The Trouble with Elon Musk and Grimes.   💗 'Astonishing' teenage pianist Lauren Zhang wins BBC Young Musician.   ♫   Netta Barzilai of Israel Wins Eurovision With a Chicken Dance.

Oh, Goody, Goody.

We're back. I know you didn't know we were away, but we were. Away, we were. Far away. Like, disconnected . Yeah, we lost  our fragile Internet access (we're all dirt-poor). But we got it back. Maybe. Anyway, - Hi!

Gallery: Martin - 1997 (1) and December 2017 to April 2018

1997 Cassette Album Cover 2018 Album Cover Angel From Montgomery Art Therapist Card Art Therapy - FRONT Art Therapy - BACK Art Therapy - FULL Bhatt Man David Desktop 01 Desktop 02 Desktop 03 Ecuhome Memo Fierce Jamaican Lady In Which Jesus' Head Margaret's Table Meat Makes You Police Move In Sabrina 01 Sabrina 02 Sabrina B&W Sabrina Remix Self-Portrait Slacker's Bible Stacks Ad01 Stacks Var2 Stacks Var3 Stacks Var4 YOUR_TITLE_HERE