
Showing posts from March, 2018

Jeremy and the Local Crackie

More Stuff we Did Before

and that I can't find time to organize Sorry about the duplicates; I'm testing for the web.

Jeremy Abroad from Before

Jeremy Goes Abroad (video series)

Sneak Peek: Art We Did Already (series)


WHO IS The Garden Distrikt?

Well, it was founded by Martin , and is led by Charmaine (the Navigator ). It includes: Martin - Guitar, Keys, Vocals, Percussion, & Bass/Drums as needed.. Jeremy - Dance, Vocals, Inspiration, Making Martin laugh, Catching Martin when he falls. Ian - Drums, Percussion, Vocals. Tony - Beats, Rapping, Experimentation. Corey - Drums, Percussion, Vocals, Following Martin - or is Martin fol.....? (We gave up.) As for supporting Liverpool - I SWEAR, I SWEAR, he was wearing a Reds' scarf. ( Vocals / Other :) Renee The Voice Mica Amanda Bonita Charmie We're planning to record, partially - esp. vocals, at Number 9 Audio, Toronto . As you can see in these very early days, GD is founded on music. But it is to become multi-disciplinary; all locals with some talent (of any kind), who wish to participate, are welcome to apply - please email Martin at Note To Self: Potential album title - " Panning To Record " (misspelling int

Another Awesome Day!

The Canadian Federal government, actually it's law-reviewing Senate, yesterday made the big decision: Whether or not to pass the Federal bill that will legalize Cannabis. Well, what they really did - I'M NOT JOKING HERE - stop laughing! -- was to decide to er not decide but rather to put the bill to no less than FIVE committees for, um, review. It's the Canadian Way - we totally depend on all our levels of government to screw everything up. Happily they aways oblige, in this case with the premier weapon of all legal systems everywhere - DELAY. So while all us Cannabis users sort of laugh and try to look interested, the good old black market has been preparing for battle (and they already won). It isn't rocket science. 6 months ago, the following was not possible: Go to your friendly neighborhood  dealer, and ask for Lemon Kush. Or O. G. Kush. Or Rock Star. Its all available at the same price weed has been fr decades - $10.00 per gram - the "dime bag". So

Powers of 10 : Awesome

Exactly HOW big is it ? Think carefully for a moment about: "All words ever spoken by human beings". E r, yeah. See Exabyte ! This table courtesy of Roy Williams at Caltech . A Connection to music? Yes; I like to make algorithmic music. My album "Loose" is all-agorithmic. I plan to use these in an upcoming song.   Byte [ 8 bits] 0.1 bytes: a binary decision; 1 byte: a single character; 10 bytes: a single word; 100 bytes: a telegram ORr a punched card; Kilobyte [ 1,000 bytes OR 10 3 bytes] 1 Kilobyte: A very short story; 2 Kilobytes: A typewritten page; 10 Kilobytes: An encyclopaedic page OR a deck of punched cards; 10 Kilobytes: static web page; 50 Kilobytes: A compressed document image page; 100 Kilobytes: A low-resolution photograph; 200 Kilobytes: A box of punched cards; 500 Kilobytes: A very heavy box of punched cards; Megabyte [ 1,000,000 bytes OR 10 6 bytes] 1 Megabyte: A small novel OR a 3


Garden Distrikt is proud, and very happy, to introduce it's leader. Meet Charmaine , Navigator ...

Art We Already Did
