
Showing posts from June, 2018

Meet Pema Chödrön

She's been my guru for maybe 15 years now - though she doesn't know it - yet*. This documentary, with the lovely Bill Moyers , will tell you much about her, AND, much about Buddhism. But remember, we don't proselytize. Well, in general we don't, but me, I'm a radical Buddhist . So there. Here's the doc ... sorry about the poor video quality, but the sound is good. Pema Chödrön with Bill Moyers Pema Chödrön *She may know it when I attend Gampo Abbey later.

The Mad Art Therapist

(It's Terri)



Things I Wrote In My Notebook (a series)

Again, some random bits from my journals ... (1)  Untitled Poem I 've got to be stopped And I'm just the man for the job Been working on it for years Your guess as good as mine as to why I'm still here (2)  Untitled Poem I dreamed the universe And it dreamed me I dream of you And how we came to be Reasons have I few Yet persistence in blue Of all the things I dream It's the one I do (3)  Untitled Song Chorus B e still my beating heart The hope is too much, too much Be still my broken heart The loss is too much, too much (4)  Fun With Anagrams M y name (Martin Lomas): not alarmism ant moralism moralist man immoral ants mailman sort i'm at normals mama nostril latino smarm i'm almost ran storm animal i'm atonal mrs inmost alarm mortal man is i'm sat normal oilman smart trim a salmon i'm salmon art i'm on art slam most in alarm alarm not sim its moral man .. etc My brother (Stephen Lomas): solemnest hap elephant moss pathle

Premiere: Brand New Art

If you're the first one reading this (and, chances are, you are - so popular are we!), then you're only the third person, other than myself, to see it, ever. It's only just dried. This was another attempt to call mostly on the subconscious, and that typically means it's a fiery picture of me ... or is it? I sincerely believe it is also what you perceive. So, do me a solid (a favour), and post a comment telling me what you "got", if anything. And I hope you're not in as much trouble as me! Oh, and while you're at it - make me an offer; no reasonables refused. "Dandelion Eyes"   - 2018 Martin Lomas 8" x 10", Acrylic & Watercolor & Flowers Two-stage process; (1) 'blind' background until satisfied (subject unknown), (1b) rough unknown outlines, (2) face' the music. Excuse the laptop camera.

Music Discussion: The Essentials, The Trimmings, or maybe Both?

Martin here. So, what'm I on about this time? Well, as an experienced audio fiend, I want to pass on some nuggets that are simple, but not necessarily obvious .... a series, perhaps. Okay. Essentials? Trimmings? The way I see it, when you really like, and listen intently to, any piece of music you enjoy, there are always one, two or three or four key things (essentials) that you are 'glomming' on to. And in other cases, there may not be any particular essentials that are key - it may indeed be the little extras , the attention to detail, the recording quality - stuff like that. Examples: When I hear Frank Sinatra sing, there's a few essentials I'm enjoying. They are, in order of importance: That wonderful voice ! FYI - people have said that Frank didn't really sing all that well. They may be right. But, and it's a big but, it's the sheer quality (as in properties, not skill) of his voice that is key. Simply put: Frank Sinatra had a voice that almos